UX Interview - Candidate Questions
Interviews are not a one-way street. Never leave the room without asking questions. Here's a cheat sheet.

Oct 11, 2023
Oct 11, 2023
min read
Before the Interview
Gather info on the industry and company.
- Where is the industry going?
- What has this company been in the news for?
During an interview
- Be well versed about the position and company
- Ask how much time you have
- Understand what the job entails and have suggestions
- Eye contact is key
- What are the prospects for advancement within the creative team?
- What are some of the typical projects? What is the turnaround time?
- "What is the most important thing I can accomplish in the first few months?
- How would you describe the culture at ___?
- What are the day-to-day responsibilities?
- What sets apart an excellent one from an average one?
Hiring manager
- How do you deal with stakeholders with strong perspectives?
- What is your superpower (excel)? What is your kryptonite (area of improvement)?
- How do you reward a job well done?
- What are the common attributes of your employees?
- What are the things driving results at this company/team?
- How do you reach when a plan/approach needs to change?
- What is your management philosophy?
- How do you see the team growing in 1 year? 5 years?
- Where do you see the future of in the next 5-10 years?
- Ultimately, who has the final say?
- What do you wish you did a better job at?
- How is the relationship between creatives & other departments?
Project scope
- How do you know when a project is done? What happens next?
- What is going to be the biggest challenge in the first 5-6 months?
- What data is used to validate design?
- Hand-off process?
- How do you get into users' mindsets?
- How do you anticipate users' needs & actions?
- How do you choose what method to use for a particular project?
- What was the last time you had to change the plan or approach?
- Team structure?
- Who doe the team report to? Who does that person report to?
- Who ultimately has the final say?
- How does the team collaborate w/ PM, PO, dev, stakeholders, etc?
- What part of the process is the team most involved in?
- Where does the team need the most support?
- What is's plan to keep customers loyal, engaged, or consequently continue to generate revenue?
- How will this role assist in achieving this?
- What could I do in the first 3 months to set myself up for success?
- Are there learning opportunities at __?
- What attracted you to this company/role?
- Who do you think is doing a good job at [insert industry]? Who do you think is doing a bad job?
Other team members
- What are you most proud of at ___?
- Give me an example of a time when you solved a difficult problem?
- Can you tell me the story of your prior success, challenge, or major responsibility?
- Tell me about your failure.
- What has been a positive influence in your life -personal, professional?
Last questions
- Imagine we're sitting here in 12 months - celebrating a successful year- what did we achieve together?
- Can I get feedback on how I was able to communicate my experience?
- What can I improve on if given this job?
- Any advice? Book recommendations?
- What is your timeline for getting back to candidates about the next steps?
- I'm interested in this job, here's why I'll be a great fit.....
- Now that we've been chatting for XX minutes, what are some of your fears of me getting this position? (especially helpful if you sense it's not going well)
- What are the next steps in this process?
If you don't get the job
- What advice can you give me so that I can be a better applicant next time?
- What experiences did the candidate have that I lacked?